detroit institute of bagels

for three months, i had the opportunity to do graphic design work for the bagel shop detroit institute of bagels. this consisted of creating instagram posts, flyers & advertisements, alongside managing the front of house and catering. in addition, i created internal guides & diagrams, working alongside the kitchen manager to redesign recipes, to ensure quality and consistency. before its’ unfortunate closing, my works in progress included a new menu, merch, as well as planning special events like a monthly pizza night.

i utilized hand lettering and illustration to lean into a quirky brand identity, and create a fun and approachable feel. i also created a new limited color palette (with some exceptions) that i stayed within to create a sense of cohesion and further solidify a brand identity, while working with preexisting logos and designs.

works in progress

large in-store menu (unfinished)

concept poster/t-shirt design

concept table card redesign


reality check